GEDfest isn't possible without our community of supporters and donors. We are grateful for our Corporate and Private sponsors and donors that generously support Alberta to OWN.CANCER.

Volunteering brings us closer to our community and brings us together. The way in which each of our GEDfest volunteers share their time, talent and energy strengthens our efforts to realize a cancer free future.

Ian Martyn
Chief of Sales and Marketing
The newest member of the GEDfest team! Ian is helping take GEDfest to the next level. His contributions include all things related to ticket sales, corporate support, silent auction items, and overall GEDfest energizer bunny

Marcy Krafft
Chief of Social Media
A creative content and social media guru! Marcy provides year long support and social media content to keep our GEDheads up to date on everything from GEDfest, OWN.CANCER, Trickle Down, and the legacy of Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip.

Jaime McNichol
Chief Web Designer and Procurer of Corporate Sponsorship and Silent Auction
A loyal GEDfest supporter from day one! Jaime handles website design and creation, corporate sponsorships, donations and sales.
Thank you to Ian, Marcy, Jen, Jaime, Trina, Chris, Shelly, Jesse, Joe, Dan, Rebecca, Zofia, Georgia and the bands for all of you energy and enthusiasm! You work so hard to make GEDfest successful.

We salute you all!